She works with brass. the Swiss metal artist Greta Rohner, born in Davos 1972, with her workshop in St. Gallen (near Altenrhein airport), uses a technique she developed herself to create aesthetic wall decorations which are unique the world over in terms of workmanship and design. “I liberate the 'Luisa' who is lying dormant within the brass panel; she is a luminous diva and a goddess – she is pure sunlight. For me, each work is a momentous experience.”
<- Ich bin überaus dankbar und sehr glücklich, für den Europa Park Rust Kunstwerke für die Hotels, Boutique Hotel Kronosar, Hotel Bell Rock, Restaurant Amolite gestalten zu dürfen.
I am extremely grateful and very happy to design artworks for the hotels Boutique Hotel Kronosar, Hotel Bell Rock, Restaurant Amolite at
Europa Park in Rust.
Referenzen/ Ausstellungen:
Werkstatt/ Studio
Finest Swiss Brass Art
Greta Rohner
Alte Rötelbachstrasse 10
CH - 9463 Oberriet